Setup and Onboarding (Carousel Platinum admin)
Information for the administrators of Carousel Platinum subscriptions on how to get set up and started with the subscription.
- Collaborative Question Bank Editing (Platinum)
- Managing 'Group Admin' Accounts
- Restarting your Sync - MIS accounts in the New Academic Year
- Sync your Account (MIS integrated accounts)
- Managing Users in a Carousel Platinum Subscription (with MIS integration)
- [w/out MIS integration] SECONDARY SCHOOL - Getting Started with Carousel Platinum
- Adding subjects to a Platinum subscription (without MIS integration)
- Adding teachers to a Platinum subscription (without MIS integration)
- Adding students and classes to a Platinum subscription using a template (without MIS integration)
- Manually creating a class in a Platinum subscription (without MIS integration)
- Manually adding, removing and deleting students and class assignments in a Platinum subscription (without MIS integration)
- [with MIS integration] SECONDARY SCHOOL - Getting Started with Carousel Platinum
- Adding subjects to a Platinum subscription (with MIS integration).
- Adding teachers to a Platinum subscription (with MIS integration)
- Reviewing Class Lists in Carousel Platinum (with MIS integration)
- Creating Custom Classes (Platinum accounts)
- Creating Question Banks and sharing them within Carousel Platinum
- Set up Single Sign-On for your School or MAT
- Adding Subjects to a PRIMARY SCHOOL Platinum Subscription
- [w/out MIS intergration] PRIMARY SCHOOL - Getting Started with Carousel Platinum
- [with MIS integration] PRIMARY SCHOOL - Getting started with Carousel Platinum