This article explains how to add subjects to a Platinum subscription with MIS integration. To add subjects to a Platinum subscription without MIS integration click here. To manually upload a class list and the associated subject in Carousel Gold click here.
NB: If you are a PRIMARY SCHOOL, you don't have to link MIS subjects but you may want to remove some Carousel subjects to narrow down the scope of those available in the Community.
Finding the subjects area:
- Go to the ‘SUBJECTS’ tab, in ‘MY ACCOUNT’ (accessed via the dropdown menu under the roundel with your initials).
Activating Carousel subjects:
- In the left-hand column, under the heading ‘CAROUSEL SUBJECT’, click on the dropdown menu and select the subject from the list that appears.
Once selected, that subject has now been activated on Carousel Platinum allowing you to add Question Banks relating to this subject from the Community.
Mapping MIS subjects
Mapping, or linking, the subject tells Carousel what to look for in your MIS in order to pick up the relevant class data.
- In the right column “LINKED MIS SUBJECT(S)”, select the MIS subject to be linked to the Carousel Subject. For example, the Carousel subject “Biology” can be linked to the MIS subject “BIO-KS3”. More than one MIS subject can be linked to the Carousel subject.
To delete a subject:
- Click on the “meatballs” menu icon ●●● under ‘ACTIONS’, and click ‘DELETE’.
Tips and Tricks:
If you want to include English as a Carousel Subject, don't forget you may also want to activate English Language and English Literature in order to see all the available Question Banks for this subject.
Please note: We import relevant data from your MIS during the sync. The sync runs automatically overnight or you can run a manual sync by following the instructions here.
It can take up to 24 hours for associated teacher / student / class data to appear in Carousel.
For more information on what data is imported after you activate subjects, please see the “Adding teachers” and “Reviewing class lists” articles.
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