Independent Learning Mode is a new feature of GOLD and PLATINUM that puts students in charge of their own learning. Teachers can create study packs using Question Banks from their Dashboard, and then students can create their own flashcards, set themselves custom quizzes and take them at their own pace. Because Study Packs are autonomous learning, teachers do not get to see the results of quizzes taken in Study Packs, but Carousel Platinum users can track student usage of Study Packs, as described in this article.
On your Dashboard, alongside Quizzes you will see the "STUDY PACKS" tab.
Just like with "QUIZZES", there is a "CREATE NEW" option on the right-hand side:
You will then see the following screen with three fields to complete:
- TITLE - Give your Study Pack a name that makes it clear to your students what it contains.
- QUESTION BANKS - Here you should select which Question Bank you would like to use.
- TOPICS - Select however many topics you would to include, from just one to all of them.
Your Study Pack should then look something like this:
Once you have completed all of the fields, click "ASSIGN" on the bottom right-hand side.
You can then assign this study pack to one or several of your classes. (If you haven't yet created a class, we have an article on how to do that here.)
Note for Platinum users:
If you want to assign the Study Pack to a class/classes taught by a colleague or to a whole year group, select the 'MY SCHOOL'S CLASSES' tab and search for the class(es) by name or teacher.
Then just click "CREATE STUDY PACK" at the bottom right-hand side, and you are almost done!
Now all that remains is to create a link to the Study Pack and share it with your students.
On your Dashboard you will now see your newly created Study Pack under the Study Packs tab.
Click the three dot ("More Options") button under the ACTIONS heading on the right-hand side, and then select the "CREATE LINK" option.
After you have clicked "CREATE LINK" you will see a message at the top "Quiz URL copied to clipboard!" you can now simply paste this link wherever you want in order to share it with the students.
When a student accesses a study pack, they will be able to revise flashcards just like they can before a quiz. They can also set their own quizzes, choosing the topics and questions themselves. Once a question has been used in one quiz, it cannot then be used in another, making sure a a wide range of questions and topics are covered - not just their favourites! As and when they are ready to reuse topics or questions, students can reset study packs, which will permanently remove any quizzes they have created in this study pack and make all questions available again.
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