This article is intended for users who are managing a 'Group Admin' account for a Multi Academy Trust or a Group of schools.
Users with 'Group Admin' status will be able to:
- View aggregated usage data for all the connected schools in the MAT/Group
Access the account of each school in the Trust or Group as if they were an Admin of that school, this means when in a school account they will be able to:
- Access score and usage analytics at pupil level
- View the student table
- Manage school users
- Access and edit subject mapping
- Create and assign a Quiz to classes at the school
- Create and assign a Study Pack to classes at the school
- Create School or MAT/Group Question Banks
Adding, inviting and deauthorising Group Admin users
IMPORTANT: The email address used for a Group Admin profile must be different to any other used in Carousel, this includes school level and 'Central' accounts. If you are unsure as to whether the email of a member of staff you wish to add is already already associated with an active Carousel profile please contact and we will be happy to check for you.
If any of your schools use Single Sign On, please make sure the new emails are in the Microsoft Azure Directory.
To add a member of staff as a Group Admin, navigate to the Group Account, then select MY ACCOUNT from the drop down menu beside your name.
This will allow you to view and select the Admin Panel for the account.
Select the USERS tab where you can use the ADD USER button to fill in the details of the member of staff, including their unique email address. If you enter an email address that already exists in Carousel, you will get an error message.
If a member of staff leaves the Trust/Group, or it is no longer necessary for them to have access to the Group account, their access can be removed by selecting DEAUTHORISE from the action menu next to their name in the user table.
Navigating between accounts
The different Schools in your Trust/Group are selectable from the dropdown menu to the left of your name. The default organisation displayed when logging in is your 'Group Account'. Within the analysis of this account you will be able to see the aggregated data of all the schools in the Group/Trust. To drop into the accounts of associated schools, simply select from the list. The search function can be used to locate the required school efficiently.
MAT/Group Analytics
When in the Group/MAT account page the ANALYSIS tab will allow you to view aggregated data for all the schools using Carousel in your Group/MAT.
By default the Analytics will display the aggregated Quiz, Study Pack and Whiteboard usage data for each connected school for the academic year.
You can refine your data table using the following selectors:
In: Selects the Academic Year from which to analyse the data.
Group By: Usage data can be grouped by School, Year, Teacher, Class, Subject.
And: A second grouping of Year, Teacher, Class, Subject, School can be added dependant on your initial 'Group By' selection - for example, if you Group By Year And Subject the data table will be organised first by Year Group and then by Subject. You can leave this blank and Group By one category only.
The data displayed is the collated data for all usage across the Group/MAT.
Date Interval: Defines the date range for the selected data.
There is the option to sort and filter each column by pressing on the icons at the top.
The Group Admin Usage Analytics displays the aggregated data for all the schools in the Group/MAT, if you need to see disaggregated data for a school, you can access the analysis for that specific school by selecting the school from the list of schools at the top of the MAT/Group account page and viewing the ANALYSIS tab on the school account.
The option to download a CSV file of the analytics is available on all the ANALYSIS pages in both the MAT/Group and School accounts.
Question Banks
If a GLOBAL, MAT/GROUP or PRIVATE Question Bank is added to a Group Admin's dashboard via the Group account or any of the School accounts, it will be available on their dashboard throughout the whole account. A Question Bank with the audience of SCHOOL will only be available on the dashboard when in the account of that specific school. If you would like a SCHOOL Question Bank to available in other accounts, making an editable copy will place a PRIVATE version on your dashboard; this will be available in all the School accounts.
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