This article will explain how to add, deauthorise and change the permission settings for users in a Carousel Platinum account with MIS integration. The actions outlined below can be carried out by anyone with Admin or Owner status.
Adding Users
To add and invite users in bulk you may want to follow the instructions in this article. To add an individual teacher, navigate to the USERS tab and select the ADD USER button from the top right corner.
Search for the user's email address, enter the details required and select the permission setting before confirming by pressing ADD. You can then invite the user by selecting INVITE from the actions menu (3 dots) beside their name. The link will be emailed to them and will last 24 hours, a new invitation will need to be generated if the link expires.
If a staff member's email does not appear in the list, please check that they haven't been previously deauthorised (see below). If not available in deauthorised users we recommend speaking to whoever manages your school's MIS to ensure the email is in the staff member's profile with the email label 'work'. The email should appear in Carousel 24-48 hours after the MIS is updated.
Deauthorising Users
If a member of staff leaves the school you will need to deauthorise them, this will stop them being able to access Carousel and will remove them from your count of active users.
DEAUTHORISE is found in the actions menu (3 dots) beside the users name.
It is not possible to delete a user nor deauthorise a user who has not accepted the invitation to join. In order to see the active users first we recommend filtering by status.
If multiple members of staff have left the school, you can use the DEAUTHORISE LEAVERS button at the top of the USERS table to efficiently deauthorise any members of staff who are no longer in, or active in, the MIS.
You will be asked to confirm the deauthorisation.
In order to see and manage deauthorised users, toggle the switch at the top of the table. The actions menu can be used to REAUTHORISE if required.
I 'leaver' must be reactivated in the MIS before they can be reauthorised.
Changing User Permissions
The permission level of a user can be changed by selecting EDIT from the actions menu (3 dots).
Admins have access to all areas of the platform and can perform all the same tasks as the Owner. The Owner can only be changed by request so please contact us at if the Owner leaves the school and needs to be replaced.
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