This article will take you through the steps involved in setting up your new Carousel Platinum Subscription. Each article will contain a link that will return you to this article, which will be your main guide through the set-up process. We recommend that you follow the steps in the order contained in this article.
Please note that if your school has opted for MIS integration the process will be slightly different and you should click here for a separate guide. If you are setting up a Carousel Platinum account for a Secondary School without MIS integration follow the steps in this article instead.
- Add subjects to a Platinum subscription Select subjects to populate the Community area of your Carousel account with Question Banks.
- Add teachers to a Platinum subscription How to ensure that the right users from your school have access to Carousel Platinum.
- Add students to Carousel Platinum and assign them to classes How to create class lists by adding students, creating classes, and then assigning students to those classes.
- Share Question Banks within a Carousel Platinum Subscription How to create and share Question Banks across your department or school with Carousel Platinum.
Explore our Knowledge Base to learn more about great features that are perfect for KS1 and KS2 such as Whiteboard Quizzes, Text to Speech and how to use Carousel for Spelling Tests.
If you have any questions on any of these steps, please contact us at and one of our support team will be happy to help.
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