This is an article to guide you through creating a free text quiz with hidden question text, which may be used for testing spellings among other types of quizzes.
The TEXT TO SPEECH feature is available on both the English and Welsh Student Interface. If the questions are written in Welsh, select Welsh as the QUIZ LANGUAGE the questions will be read aloud in Welsh. To learn how to select Welsh as the language for your Student Interface visit this helpful guide.
1. Create a Question Bank as described here or choose one from the Community. To be able to hide question text you will need to use Free Text Quiz, so you should not provide multiple choice answers. DO NOT accept the spreadsheet's offer to create a formula to fill in the answers.
2. If you have created your own Question Bank, upload it by following these instructions.
3. Next, go to "My Quizzes" and create your quiz. You can find details of how to create your Free Text Quiz here. Before assigning your Quiz make sure you go to SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS.
4. Ensure both ENABLE TEXT TO SPEECH and HIDE QUESTION TEXT are toggled to green.
5. You can now ASSIGN your Quiz.
6. Your students can press on the SPEAKER icon to hear the question read aloud...
...before checking the written answer and evaluating their answer.
8. When they feel confident to take the Quiz, the question is read aloud again and they can write their answers into the answer field and submit it.
Carousel automatically marks as correct any student answer that matches yours making it really simple and efficient to identify spellings they are confident with, and where you need to target help.
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